Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Happiness in education is something we all spire to have but yet somehow we lack that element, but can be achieved. Happiness and education is something a lot of people says should hand in hand, but in reality they don’t. Personally I think its the job of the teacher set the mood of the class. 

When i was young I would love to go to school, specially during elementary years. I think those were my best times and my happiest moments in school. When I was little my favorite teacher was Mrs. Zaharakis she was Greek, tall, blond and always had her nails done. She had a very distinct way of teaching she manage to know all of our strengths and weakness but she also took the time to find out what we likes in our personal lives. For the people who had trouble reading she would pair them up with a student who’s reading was a strength but she would also make sure the pairs were food friends, making it fun and not as embarrassing as reading in front of the entire class. For me personally my trouble was in MATH. Math was and still my worst subject, specially when it came time for fractions and decimals. My teacher went out and found a book where we can fractions with Hersey Chocolate Bars. Every time we broke the bar into pieces it became another fraction. When it came time for our fraction test she gave us a chocolate bar as our inspiration, she drew a huge bar on a paper and had us color it, every color was a different fraction. For me this one lesson i’ll never forget, I had fun and even though i had a bad outlook in math it showed me that I don’t have to like every subject but I can have fun something and learn it too.

Not every teacher is going to go out there way to please there students, some teachers come in and out the classroom with no interest what so ever. Mrs.Zaharakis told us one day “You will never work a day in your life if you LOVE what you do.” and I think that's how teachers should look at there job. That way a lot of kids might not enjoy every moment in school but at least there enjoying themselves in trying different things and even if their having trouble at least the situations wasn’t as  bad as they though. For me the worst situation in school is being unhappy and learning a topic I totally dislike. In the video " Do Schools Creativity" it gives us an example how a class that might seem so important to the educational system can be the one thing that can give us happiness and gives us an experience in something different.  If people would see that education and happiness can go hand and hand maybe the educational system would be different and the outcome of the students might leader to brighter and smarter students.


  1. Hey Diana,
    I found your essay to be really well-written however, you should reread over your entry because there are some words and sentences that should be fixed. I also think you should add in about your current education. For example, do LaGuardia professors not set the mood? If not, what do you suggest?

  2. Yeah a lot of my teacher always told me that I have the habit of starting a sentence, and think of a new one and it messes up my paper. I didn't know if we were allowed to write about our education, but i think my paper would've came out more complete if i would've added it.

    Thank You Jessica

  3. Hi Diana,
    It seems like you've had teachers that really inspired you and those that weren't able to. However, the assignment is to argue how YOU are going to increase the amount of happiness you experience in education. I'm looking forward to the paper where you have an opportunity to do so - I have a feeling you have a lot to say :)
